3 Ingredient DIY Chapped Lip Remedy

It is really weird how becoming a mother changes your everything, and I’m not just talking about the normal things. I’m talking about your fears, your strengths, your weaknesses. If you asked me pre-Andrew if I considered myself shy and introverted, I’d say absolutely no! Since the day I birthed a 9lb baby and quit my job being a SCUBA instructor, life has changed. I’m more fearful of things that would normally not scare me. Roll into the water, spear gun in hand, by myself for a quick “looksie” around underwater for that night’s dinner? 3 years ago, I wouldn’t think twice.

I’m more fearful of things that would normally not scare me. Roll into the water, spear gun in hand, by myself for a quick “looksie” around underwater for that night’s dinner? 3 years ago, I wouldn’t think twice. Now, I worry if something would happen to me and who would take care of Andrew. Sky diving when I was 18 held no fears. Now if you asked me to do that, I’d really think twice and probably pass.

It’s no different with my personality. I used to be so free-spirited and extroverted but now, I feel much more comfortable in my humble little home, with a few close people I love. I have a hard time letting loose after having to be Mom day in and day out, as well.

Anyway, this is one of the many reasons I love Scott. He is total opposite of introvert – he’s like a big social butterfly, chattering it up with anyone and everyone. He really balances me out and gets me out of my comfort zone (even though at the time I was wishing I was somewhere else). When he told me we’d be spending a day at the beach for a company party (which could possibly turn into a drunk fest) my introverted self just wanted to run and hide.

You mean you want me to talk to a bunch of people I don’t know, drink alcohol (which I don’t do much of), all while in my bathing suit? I never used to be self-conscious but since I’m spending a lot of time tied to a computer lately, some areas have become a little, ahem, flabby.

Lord, I seriously need to learn to let loose and freaking relax. You were thinking that too, huh? I’m working on that, I promise.

To make a long story short, the beach day turned out much better than what I thought. We spent the whole day out on the beach, and after having a beer or three, I was able to let loose and just have fun. Ahh, there’s the pre-Andrew Loriel, I know.

Plus, what’s not to love about the beach, being with your best friend and lover, basking in the ocean water, and soaking up much needed rays. Well, maybe a little too much sun rays. I’d say one of my best qualities is the fact that I can be out in the sun for long periods of time without getting burnt. It’s in my Israeli genes. But my lips? That’s a different story. I’ve never had sun burnt lips until coming home from that company beach party. Holy ouchie batman, my lips were dry and cracking and bleeding.

The shea butter provides ultra healing properties, while the almond oil helps the shea butter absorb into your lips. Tea tree has healing properties and if you have vitamin E hanging around, it helps the remedy not oxidize when you’re opening and closing the tin.

I misplaced my favorite lip lotion and was in desperate need of relief. Since DIY is not really my forte, I turned to one of my best friends, my right-wing wo-man, Jess! She told me to grab a few ingredients, mash it in my clean hand, and I would have immediate lip relief. And she was totally right.

I smothered my lips with the concoction, sighed a huge sigh of relief, sent Jess a kissing duck face photo (obv..), and went happily to sleep. I slathered it on my lips for the next few days and my lips healed quickly and painlessly. Thank goodness for friends who are pros at from scratch remedies!

DIY Chapped Lip Remedy


  • Container(s) – I love THESE 1 oz tins

Make It

  • Put a dollop of shea butter in your clean hand
  • Add a couple drops of almond oil and mash it around in your clean and dry hand until it is still thick, but easier to apply to lips (reference photo above)
  • Add 2 drops of tea tree to start and mash around. You want to smell a hint of it… not overwhelming or no smell
  • If you have vitamin E, this is the time to add a few drops
  • Put your super simple concoction into a clean jar and use as needed (just make sure to close the lid tight so the concoction doesn’t oxidize… especially if you don’t put vitamin E in it)

Not feeling particularly DIYish?

Simply not enough hours in the day? Pinning more than you could ever tackle these days? No worries. We’ve have got you covered.

Please, head on over to the Pronounce Skincare Shop where we sell our lip lotion. While you are there, please look around at all of the other skincare creations. We love making them for our families and for you!

Comments 4

  1. I just made this because it has only 3 ingredients and I happened to have those! I love the way shea butter smells and that was my first incentive. I run in the cold and usually no matter how much lip lotion and balm I put on, I end up with dry lips after 20 minutes. I put this on an hour before my run, then I ran for an hour in -1 C, and it still remained on my lips 2 hours after!!! It is a miracle remedy. Thank you very much for this recipe!

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